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a boy taking painless piano lessons for beginners with Jackie Clark

Unlock the Joy of Music: Learn Piano at Your Own Pace

Have you ever dreamed of playing the piano? It’s always possible to turn that dream into reality! My engaging, painless piano lessons for beginners cater to students of all ages.

Your Dream:

  • Discover the joy of music:  Learning piano is more than just playing songs. It’s a rewarding journey that improves focus, memory, and self-expression.
  • Learn at your own pace:  My flexible program allows you to tailor your learning to your schedule and goals.
  • Build a strong foundation: I am an experienced teacher, ABRSM assessed for teaching abilities, with 25 years of teaching experience. I guide you through the fundamentals, ensuring you develop proper technique.
  • Play the music you love:  From classical to pop, choose the genre that inspires you and learn the skills to bring it to life.

Everyone Enjoys my painless Piano Lessons



You wish to learn piano for enjoyment and have fun. You are not doing it other than for pleasure, and learning the piano should be fun. 

Every time you sit down for a lesson or to practice, you should expect to be happier when you finish than when you start.  As you learn, your knowledge will increase, as will your skills. You will feel and hear that your playing is improving every day. 

Cutting corners to get you to play a few simple songs is not how I teach. I teach you properly. With my lessons, you can be assured that your playing will be the best you can achieve.




Program Features:

  • High-quality video lessons:  Learn from clear, engaging video tutorials that break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps.
  • Step-by-step curriculum:  Our structured program ensures you progress logically, building upon your knowledge with each lesson.
  • Learn by playing:  Practice makes perfect! Our approach emphasizes playing songs you’ll enjoy, keeping you motivated and engaged.
  • Multiple learning styles:  Whether you prefer sheet music or a more intuitive approach, we offer lessons to suit your learning style.
  • Superb support: No one is left to struggle on their own. Have a problem? I will help you overcome it. (included in membership.)


25 years plus experience:

Teaching adults and children for over 25 years in one-on-one lessons, with hundreds of exam successes, and over 12 years of teaching online, where thousands of students have taken my piano lessons, ensures the quality of teaching you will receive.

a five year old with parents playing her keyboard
Jackie Clark Music Piano Courses


Lessons with support provide a good experience, whatever a student’s level. Membership numbers are limited to ensure I can provide personal, quality support for all students. High-quality lessons and support are essential for students like you to learn to play the piano properly while having a fun experience.

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Happy Students Reviews

Site membership is now closed to new members

Site membership is closed, but you can still take advantage of my courses on Udemy. The price is lower, and you get the same full support from me.

Just Chords Piano is ideal for anyone over the age of 10 who wishes to learn piano quickly and without sheet music.

Piano for Kids is designed for children to learn piano with music from the age of six years.

Quick and easy piano chords will teach  85 chords to those who can play now but need to learn more chords.

Piano scales are for pianists who have learned a lot but need to learn more scales.

Jackie Clark Music