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Many Posts Missing on this Site

Why so many posts are missing

The site was redesigned and made easier to navigate. Many irrelevant and deprecated posts were removed. Others were incorporated into the free section of the site and included in the free course lessons.

The choices now are more prominent, making it easier to find what is wanted.

If you can’t find anything try the free section it could be there. Don’t worry about being bombarded with emails, you won’t be.

Instead of the posts use the free course Instead

You can join the free area and take the BootCamp course if you wish. That will start you on your journey to becoming a pianist.

The information is 100% video, so it is more detailed. The tips and tricks section will soon complete the range of free courses.

Or, you can become a full member and learn to play the piano, with everything you need to become a brilliant pianist included.

Jackie Clark Music